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  • 12 hours or less block (any late pick ups would incur a fee of $25)

  • 1 meal is provided (unless furparents prefers otherwise)

  • 2 outdoor walks are provided

  • Playtime (snuffle mats, toys and other activities)


  • Overnights

  • 2 meals will be provided unless otherwise specified

  • 3 outdoor walks are provided

  • Playtime(snuffle mats, toys and other activities)


  • Dedicated necessary care

  • Meals will be provided unless otherwise specified

  • Walks or excursions can be arranged 

  • 24/7 webcam service can be provided however only a small angle will be permitted

Our rates start from $SGD 50 onwards, please pm us for more specific arrangements and detailed evaluation for boarding your loved ones.

+ Optional additional services +


Guests will get two fresh organic meals prepared daily. We provide daily, a very extensive variety of meals from TCM chinese soups to indian spiced curries to japanese bentos to the american pot roast, we aim to satisfy even the fussiest of guests. We only use proteins that are raised organically, hormone free and antibiotic free, raised humanely, grass fed and/or wild caught. With a wide variety of organic grains and lentils and legumes. With a wide variety of fresh organic vegetables and herbs from our own garden! OMAKASE also covers additional supplements depending on each guest's constitution and condition during their stay.

Prices are already included in the quote for boarding/daycare


When guests opt in for the basic groom service, its a once off service that includes the following; Deshedding(comb down) followed by a full shower with an organic natural shampoo(based off the ingredients), followed by a soft cotton towel dry and a heatless blow dry with our dyson, ear cleaning with natural ear solutions with sterile gauze, paw fur trimming and nail trimming. Depending on our guests skin conditions we are also adept at the use of TCM herbal concoctions for a soak before the shampoo. After we are done, we finish off the groom with a spritz of our natural tick and flea spray repellent around their feet, under belly and tail.

Prices start from $35 - $55 (depending on size and double/triple coats)


This is a separate service to be paid and booked directly with the service provider and to be subjected to available dates and times. An alternative treatment and/or a simple relaxing pamper session for any guest with an experienced hand.Prices and availability to be determined by third party service provider.

Please have a chat with us for more details regarding this opt in service.

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